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For the longest time I have been thinking about what it is that I should blog about next. I have to tell you that I have felt as though I should speak on mixed signals in our lives. You know, so many times in our lives we have confusing ideas and confusing thoughts. Things that we aren’t sure if God has called us to do or not. All to often we make decisions in our lives without even consulting our creator, the very one that gave us our desires for certain things. We have God given desires. God has given us the desire to be loved, the desire to love. He has given me the desire to help others in need. He has also given us abilities. I’m a strong, healthy 23 year old, with endless abilities. I have so many opportunities in my life. Yet, at times I must confess that I don’t allow God His rightful place in my life. I think that sometimes we get so comfortable in our stuff. You know, the things that we take pride in. Our house, our cars, our jobs, our clothes. We never begin to think about what if God never blessed us with these things in the first place. Everything that we have is because of Him. He has given it to us, He can take it all away in a heartbeat.
I was driving to Tim Hortons the other day. For my American friends that are reading this, Tim Hortons is the equivalent to Starbucks. I was driving along with the radio on, listening to my favorite country station. Ya they were probably playing some Rascal Flatts or some awesome group like that! So as I was driving down the road, I started to hear voices! Ha! Don’t worry, I’m not crazy. I was hearing another station come in. It was ok for a couple more minutes, only now and then would the stations overlap. The further I drove, my beloved country station became very hard to decipher what was playing!
As this was all going on, I had a thought. Our relationship with God is alot like that very station. When we are close to Him, when we are in constant communication with Him, we have a very strong ‘signal’. As we make choices in our life though, choices that aren’t first talked about with God, choices that are wrong, we get further from God. As we get further from God, it’s harder to see what it is that we should be doing in our lives. Ya, just like with the radio, at first it’s hard to notice. It’s only once in a while that you get some interference. But the farther we ‘drive’ away, the harder it is to hear the voice of God in our lives. Let me encourage you to see it for what it is. Is it beginning to feel more difficult to talk with God. Are you not getting the ‘signal’? Perhaps it’s time for you to turn around and head back to Him.
In my personal life I have recently been very blessed. I have so many oppurtunities coming at me, but I must continue to always bring it back to God. I am so excited for what God is doing in my heart and in my life. He’s changing me from the inside out. He’s making me the man of God I’ve always longed to be. One of those blessings is a person. God has blessed me with an amazing, godly woman of God. I’ve never known what it is like to be in a relationship with someone who desires to put God first in all that she does. We feel so blessed that God has put us together. We’re excited about the future! That’s the awesome thing about putting God first in your relationships. Not only in dating relationships either. I’m talking about relationships with friends, with family, with coworkers, with spouses, even with those people that you just can’t seem to get along with! As Nicola would say, we have to always bring it back to God, that is where you will find fulfilment in your relationships. Are your relationships strained? Bring it back to God.
Thanks so much for reading my blog, I love to let people know what is on my heart and how I’m doing in my walk with Christ. If you are looking for some practical ways to pray for me, well, here they are! Pray protection over me from spiritual warfare. I feel it, it’s there, and I need your prayers. Pray that God would continue to work in my life. Pray that He become number one in all of my relationships with others, and that I take every oppurtunity I have to tell people of the love of Christ through my actions. Please pray for a friend that is very close and dear to me. They are going through a rough time and need your prayers. Will you pray that they will see that when we turn to Christ, things are much better.
Let me just pray with you before I sign off, after all, God can read too!
Lord thank you for today and all that you bring us. We want to dedicate today to you and say that you are master over our lives, and we desire for your heart, to be our heart. Father we desire to be intimate with you, to know your desires and wants for us. Lord, remove anything in our lives that hinder us from being closer to you. We love you Lord and are so thankful for what you did on the cross. I pray this is Christ name, Amen

2 responses to “Mixed Signals”

  1. Jamie O’shea I loved the blog. I never thought of it in that way, but I’m always listening to Cd’s (country of course)! Thanks for your insite sir. I sure hope God is using, stretching and growing you in Nicaragua these days. Hope to read another blog soon. Your brother

  2. Hey! This is an awesome blog! Very true about the radio stations being like our relationship with God. It can be easy to let there be strain and “static” between us and God especially when preparing for a trip like this when there is so much that you need to do before you leave! Being so busy in our lives can make us lose signal of what God is trying to say and do. But im excited about focusing completely on him this year in Nicaragua:)