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Thoughts & Inspiration

Ugh… so anyone who got an update email already… I’m sorry, I started writing a blog and then got called for dinner, so I hit save… thinking that it would save the message so far… well it saved a partial blog. I deleted the partail blog and am now trying to remember what I wrote before… hmmmm.
Anyways. What I was saying before was that even though I am not technically a part of the team, I am still ministering to the team, well maybe that’s not true either. They are ministering to me. I can remember way back in September when I was imagining all the things that the team was going to become and accomplish, I had pretty big hopes for them. I have to tell you though, they have exceeded anything that I imagined. They are doing great. I read each and every one of there blogs, and they truly inspire me and teach me. They are amazing. Guys, girls, if you are reading this, I’m so proud of all of you and thank you for all that you have done in Nicaragua, and in my life.
So what am I up to these days? Currently I’m in Scotland with my FIANCEE! I am having a great time getting to know her family and especially working with her Father. I’ve been doing alot of home renovations… everything from bathrooms to hardwood floors, to installing floors in an attic. It’s been great to spend alot of time with my future father-in-law. I’ll be returning home to Canada April 12th 2009. At that time I’ll be looking for full time permanent work. Or… at least that is the plan.  I’m always careful to plan really far ahead with what I’ll be doing, as God has a sense of humour. Both Nicola and I are open to doing missions in the future, wherever God leads, that’s where I want to be. Exodus 5:33 says “Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” That has been my recent life verse. Unless God is leading me and making it clear where I should be going, I’m not going anywhere.
Please look with me to a HUGE team project that my team has been working on.
God put on the heart of Caleb Spitler to build an IHOP… International House Of Prayer. Wow! What a vision, to have someone in this house, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I hope life is going great for all of you and that God is working in your life, and through your life… as well as inspite of your life. Talk with you all later. Adios.

One response to “Jamie?! What have you been up to?”

  1. wow jamie – so cool that you would pick out that verse from exodus as it’s been on my mind a lot lately.. God has good timing, eh?
    (was that the proper use of ‘eh’? woo, go me!)
    i thank God for you.