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Ok! So, I haven’t written a blog in a long time on my own personal blog, so I thought I would do so. Feel free to add the team blog to your subscription list. I will likely be putting more update on there than on here. You can find it here,
So alot has happened since we have been in Nicaragua. Tana (my co-leader) and I have been going to alot of meetings with different ministries that are going on here. We have alot of things lined up and it is looking like it will be great! There is so much need here and at times it can feel overwhelming, but we continue to take it one step at a time and trust in God to provide for our needs. Our God is so great and He continues to shower us with blessings.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to lead this trip
I have been blessed with a family that supports me
I have been blessed with many friends and family that have supported me financially and in prayer
I have been blessed with an amazing team to minister to, and to minister with
I have been blessed with a great co-leader and friend
I have been blessed with so many opportunities to tell the love of Christ
I have been blessed with food to eat
I have been blessed with a place to lay my head
I have been blessed with place to shower
I have been blessed with multiple pairs of clothes
I have been blessed with so many countless things this list could go on forever and ever.
I hope to get on the internet soon with a more detailed list of what we are doing here. Thanks for all your love and prayers.
Much Love,

3 responses to “I have been blessed”

  1. it’s great to hear that you’re doing well, Jamie. i plan on continuing to check your blog, although it’s a little weird, i feel like i’m reading your diary. hopefully i’ll catch you on MSN soon.

    stay safe and work hard (i know it may be hard to do without me carrying most of the workload :P)