
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey to all my friends and family back at home!
So, today is Saturday and is also a time to write a letter back home! I’m missing so everyone from home so much right now. I’m excited to be able to see everyone when I return home for Christmas. That is crazy to even think about, but yes, Christmas is coming soon! If you can believe it, I know I can’t, I’ve been away from Canada for 5 weeks now. I have been in Nicaragua for a month. The team celebrated our 1 month anniversary the other day with cake, it was soooo good!
Ok, so I’ve been hearing alot of ‘What are you doing in Nicaragua’s’? So here it is! The first part of our trip down here, Tana and I had ALOT of meeting with different ministries that we wanted to get involved with. Since we are the pioneering group down here, alot of these ministry partnerships were non existant. It put a very big strain on Tana and I, and also on the team. The team was very anxious to get involved with ministries and it was amazing to see them so ready to go, but also very hard because we weren’t ready for it all yet. The first couple of weeks we did alot of random acts of kindness as our church would call it. We also did some work at El Puente (translated, The Bridge). This is the church that Charles and Sarah Kaye have started. They are the directors down here. It was great to be able to build relationships with the guys that star at El Puente and just help them out with some practical things. The team dove right into it, whether it be using a machete to cut grass (so much easy with a lawn mower!) Or slapping concrete on the walls, they were very willing. This week we have a more routine schedule. Monday and Tuesday we went to teach ESL (English as a Second Language). Wednesday the team went out to pick up garbage down by the lake. Thursday there were some feeding programs that we helped out with. Friday we went to Sisters of Charity and helped out with the daycare there for the kids of parents that can’t afford daycare. These kids are mostly children to the vendors in the markets. I was amazed at the reaction that we got when we walked in. There was approx. 50 kids there. They all SCREAMED with joy when we walked in. It was so amazing to just play with the kids and just show them love. Someone made the comment that this is probably the most love they’ve gotten in months.
As for me personally, my prayer was that God would stretch me and to grow me and challenge me in my leadership abilities. Wow, has He ever answered my prayers. God is amazing! I continue to be amazed at all that He has given me. I was teaching on Simplicity this week, and it is so true what people say that you learn the most when you teach. I have learnt so much about simplicity and about not needing everything that our culture says that we need. I’ve been challenged to live a life of simplicity. With all of that being said, I feel as though God is calling me to be down in Nicaragua next year as well. I’m excited about the opportunities that He has brought up. I’m amazed at the faithfulness of God, I know I shouldn’t be, but I am. God has blessed me with so much, and I’m excited to see what He is going to continue to do in my life as I walk with Him WHEREVER He brings me. Like my Mom says, ‘the safest place to be is in God’s will’. So I’m just going to go day by day and see what new challenges and experiences He brings into my life.
Some specific prayer requests:
Please pray for the teams continued safety. Also pray that the team will remain unified in all that we do and say and that everything just glorify’s God. Oray for the finances of some of the members of the team as some people haven’t yet gotten it all in. God is faithful, and He will provide. Pray for the health of the team, a few of the members of the team have been sick physically, but also, some of them have been homesick. Please continue to pray for the direction that God is bringing me in my life. He is doing awesome things in my life!
Thanks for the prayer and support,