
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A couple of days ago, I wrote a blog talking about how I was feeling down and inadequate to leading this team, and just asked for prayer, and recognized what was going on as spiritual warfare and prayed against it in Christ’s name. Wow! I tell you, there is power in prayer, and I’d like to thank you all for standing behind me in prayer and for all of your support. I was also able to talk with a couple of people who I respect greatly and value their opinion and that helps so so much. I’m being discipled without even knowing it! The thought of discipleship, isn’t really a new thing to me. I’ve heard of it in the past. Discipleship though is something that the Lord has really put on my heart since my trip to Swaziland Africa with AIM. I’m just sooo pumped to go on this trip and lead this team and just pour into them… just pour out myself until I’m empty… and wait for Christ to pour afresh into me! When I think of the things that Christ is going to do in my life, I get so excited!
Thanks so much for reading my blog, continue to check here for regular updates on life and what is new with me and the team. I’m continuing the process of getting to know the team. It is going great with some individuals, but, with others I haven’t really had much time to get to know them. That can be explained based on how much time they spend on facebook! I’m loving getting to know the few that I’m talking to, and maybe not so much with a couple;) You know who you are! Ha, I’m just joking. I have this thing that I keep telling myself that I should work on my sarcasm, but, eish, I don’t know if that’s going to happen. Haha, I love to joke around.
In my last blog I talked about financial support and said that you could click on a link to support me. Apparently that link isn’t working due to the ‘ in my last name…. O’Shea. I’m convinced that no computer system can handle it! Whether it be with this blog, or at the bank, or getting my haircut, or with my membership to McDonalds, it doesn’t work! Mmmm… Memberships at McDonalds… great idea. Well, continue to pray that the support will come in. I still have approx. $2500 to raise. I was speaking with a good friend of mine and talking to him about support. A guy he was talking to said that missionaries are great… well, I’ll change the wording… support raisers. Well, he was suggesting that missionaries often try to get out of paying for things, and expect others to pay for them. Bill said that he told him that God has gifted this guy in making money in the business world, God has gifted missionaries in making relationships and impacting them for eternity, If he does what God has gifted him with, we can do what we are gifted with. So with that, I’d like to encourage you to prayerfully consider supporting me financially, and allowing me to pour into the lives of people, and impact them for Christ. Since the support me button isn’t working, and because of me being Canadian, it may be easier to mail a cheque. My excellent mother has volunteered to be my secretary/accountant. So if you feel led, you can mail a cheque to:
Judy O’Shea
11 Dell Dr.
Strathroy Ontario Canada
Thank you so much in advance. Please, remember to keep me in your prayers. Love Jamie.

One response to “A new day!”

  1. I’m glad we got the support link fixed. We just had to remove that apostrophe. I guess our computer was one that couldn’t handle it as well. Praying for you man.