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Thoughts & Inspiration

Deep Thoughts

Hey Friends! It's been a couple of weeks now since I last wrote so I thought it was time that I updated people on what God is doing here in Granada Nicaragua. A couple of weeks ago we were able to … Read more about Deep Thoughts

Here we go!

Hey to all my friends and family back at home!   So, today is Saturday and is also a time to write a letter back home! I'm missing so everyone from home so much right now. I'm excited to be … Read more about Here we go!

Mixed Signals

For the longest time I have been thinking about what it is that I should blog about next. I have to tell you that I have felt as though I should speak on mixed signals in our lives. You know, so many … Read more about Mixed Signals

A new day!

A couple of days ago, I wrote a blog talking about how I was feeling down and inadequate to leading this team, and just asked for prayer, and recognized what was going on as spiritual warfare and … Read more about A new day!